What are program graphs in Software Testing?

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An image of a program graph

Program graphs are simple graphs that represent the control flow of a program.

Each simple program statement is considered a vertex/node (numbers) and the connection or flow from one statement to another is represented using edges (arrows).

Purpose of program graphs

Any program flow can be represented using a graph.

It will help us visualise the program and its flow.

It can also help us find any infeasible paths in the program that no input can reach.

Graphs have vertices(V) and edges(E).

Vertices are connected using directional arrows which represent edges.

Vertices (V) and Edges (E) are considered as individual sets and the graph as a pair set of (V,E).

All the graphs considered in this context are finite (meaning they all end). Not sure if there are infinite graphs.

Consider a simple program

public int foo(int x, int y)
	for (int i=0; i<y; i++)
		x = bar(x);
	if (x == y)
		y = x + y;
		return baz(x, y, y);
	else if (x > y)
		x = x - y;
		return baz(y, x, x);
		return 23;

The program graph for the above program can be represented as:

flowchart LR id1((1)) --> id3((3)) --> id5((5)) --> id4((4)) id3 --> id7((7)) --> id9((9)) --> id10((10)) id4 --> id3 id7 --> id12((12)) --> id14((14)) --> id15((15)) id12 --> id17((17)) --> id19((19))

The parentheses / opening and closing brackets are usually not considered as part of the graph unless the program doesn't return anything.

The return statement or last closing brace is usually the end of the graph unless the graph has a recursive statement.

Loops are represented by adding an arrow back to the statement where the loop started from.

In a for loop, the arrow is added back from the loop exit condition, in the example above, loop exit condition would be i < y, so an arrow is added back from there to the beginning of the loop. In the example, the exit condition is considered as statement 4.

For a while loop, this is how it would be like:


Program graph for the above while loop:

flowchart LR id1((1)) --> id3((3)) --> id1

Branch points like if-else, switch case statements can lead to multiple edges from a single vertex.

Outdegree of a graph

Formal definition: The outdegree of a node v is number of nodes w such that there exists an edge (v,w) in the graph.

Meaning, if there are three nodes that can be reached from a node, then outdegree of that node is 3.

Example, if nodes 5, 7, 9 can be reached from 4, then outdegree for vertex 4 is 3.

Indegree of a graph

Formal definition: The indegree of a node v is the number of nodes w such that there exists an edge (w,v) in the graph.

It's the same as outdegree but for incoming edges from multiple nodes to a certain node.

Example, if nodes 5, 7, 9 all point to same node, 11, then the indegree of vertex 11 is 3.

Chains (Graphs without multiple branches)

Chains are graphs without multiple branches.

The starting node has an indegree of 1 or less than and outdegree of exactly 1.
The ending node has an indegree of exactly 1 and outdegree of 1 or less than 1.

Example of chains:

flowchart LR id1((1))
flowchart LR id1((1)) --> id2((2))
flowchart LR id1((1)) --> id1
flowchart LR id1((1)) --> id2((2)) --> id3((3)) --> id4((4))
flowchart LR id1((1)) --> id2((2)) --> id3((3)) --> id4((4)) --> id1

D-D Graphs

Chains, branch points and nodes with indegree greater than 1 induce partitions of vertices in the graph, meaning, some vertices could be straight forward pointing from one to another, some could have loops, multiple branches, etc.

The D-D (Decision to Decision) graph is obtained by collapsing each maximal chain to a single node.

For example a chain like this:

flowchart LR id1((1)) --> id2((2)) --> id3((3)) --> id4((4))

can be collapsed to:

flowchart LR id1((1,2,3,4))

Another example, consider the program graph from the above mentioned Java program, that could be altered to:

flowchart LR id1((1)) --> id3((3)) --> id45((4,5)) --> id3 id3 --> id7((7)) --> id910((9,10)) id7 --> id12((12)) --> id1415((14,15)) id12 --> id1719((17,19))

Hi I'm Sudheer. I'm a MSc Advanced Computer Science student at Swansea University in Wales, UK. I share my learning resources on this blog. These include notes I created on various topics, step by step guides on how to implement things and documentation of whatever projects I'm working on.

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